CA51F1 series (for small household appliances)



Product Details


CPU: 1T8051, which is 10 times faster than the traditional 8051.

Compatible with 8051 instruction set and dual DPTR working mode.


Flash: 16K bytes, supporting repeated erasing.

Flash can be divided into program space and data space, and data space can be used to store data that needs to be saved when power is off.

RAM: 256 Byte of internal RAM and 512 Byte of external ram.

operating voltage

Working voltage: 2.3V ~ 5.5V

Working temperature

Working temperature: -40℃~+85℃

Clock system

External low-speed oscillator: 32.768KHz

Built-in low-speed RC oscillator: 128KHz

Built-in high-speed RC oscillator: 16MHz with accuracy of 1% @ 25℃ (factory calibration)

The voltage of 2.7V ~ 5.5V supports the system clock of 16MHz.

The voltage of 2.3V ~ 5.5V supports the system clock of 8MHz


Three 16-bit universal timers: Timer 0, Timer 1 and Timer 2.

General purpose input/output port (GPIO)

Supports up to 14 GPIO ports.

Support push-pull, open-drain, pull-up, pull-down and high resistance modes.

In push-pull output, the current of a single GPIO source is higher up to 18mA@5V, and the sinking current is higher up to 40mA@5V.

GPIO can be simulated as 1/2 BIAS LCD driver by software, without external resistor.

TMC function

The clock source of TMC timer can be IRCL or XOSCL.

The minimum unit of interrupt time is 512 IRCL clock cycles when IRCL is selected as the clock source and 128 XOSCL clock cycles when XOSCL is selected as the clock source.

The configurable interruption time is 1-256 minimum unit times.

Interrupt system

7 valid interrupt sources

Two-level interrupt priority supports interrupt nesting.

Five external interrupt sources INT0~INT4

Selection of external interrupt trigger edge: INT0~1 (rising edge and falling edge) and INT2~4 (rising edge, falling edge and double edge).

Interrupt input pin selection: INT0(P0.0), INT1(P0.1), INT2(P0.2), INT3(P0.3), and any GPIO pin except P0.0~P0.3 can be selected as the interrupt input pin for INT4.

Analog/digital converter (ADC/DAC)

Supports 14-channel 12-bit SAR ADC.

Supports two voltage references: VDD and internal reference.

The VDD voltage can be measured by selecting the internal voltage as a reference.

Support 1 6-bit DAC, divided into 64 voltage segments, and can be used as AD acquisition button.

Capacitive Touch Key

Built-in capacitive touch sensing controller

Larger support for 14 touch channels, without external capacitors.

High anti-interference performance, in line with EMC(CS Dynamic 10V, EFT 4KV) standard.

Support touch interrupt

Support touch channel in parallel, which can be used to realize low power consumption mode.


Supports four PWM outputs, each of which can be controlled independently, and the cycle and duty ratio can be configured arbitrarily within the 16-bit range.

Support the function of directly outputting internal clock.

Support PWM interrupt function

Each PWM output pin can be mapped to a different GPIO pin.

Universal serial interface (UART1/UART2)

Support 2-way full duplex serial port

Support 1 byte receive cache

The TX/RX function of UART1/UART2 can be mapped to different GPIO pins.

I2C interface

Built-in 1 I2C interface supports master-slave mode and standard/fast/high-speed mode.

The I2C pin SCL/SDA function can be mapped to any GPIO pin.

SPI interface

Built-in 1 4-wire SPI interface, supporting master-slave mode.

Low voltage detection (LVD)

The detection voltage can be set to 2.2V, 2.5V, 2.7V, 3.0V, 3.3V, 3.6V, 3.9V and 4.2v..

Low voltage reset or interrupt can be set.

Reset mode

The chip supports multiple reset sources: power-on/power-off reset, soft reset, watchdog reset and low voltage detection reset.


27-bit watchdog timer, 16-bit precision adjustment, configurable watchdog reset or interrupt.

Program download and simulation

Support ISP and IAP

Support online simulation function

low power consumption

STOP mode, current < 7uA

IDLE mode, current < 30uA

Low speed operation mode, current < 55uA

Package type: SOP16


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